Risk Advisory Services

Your tech stack deserves the best assessment and strategy to protect systems and data against bad actors.


BPM helps organizations identify and manage risks to their operations and strategic objectives. We help businesses make informed decisions by providing objective analyses, insights and recommendations based on industry best practices and your organization’s unique risk profile.

Corporate security breaches can be significant and have long-lasting negative consequences for businesses. Organizations must take a robust approach to cybersecurity and implement effective measures to protect their assets.

Strategic cybersecurity assessments and plans can help prevent financial loss, damage to reputation, legal and regulatory consequences, intellectual property theft, disruption of business operations, and extortion.

BPM offers businesses in all sectors a suite of risk advisory services to combat, correct and disrupt cyber-attacks.

Let us show you how. Click the links below to learn more.

  • Adversarial Risk Assessment: An adversarial threat assessment lets you see what the bad actors can see. We help you identify the exposures, threats and attack paths your adversaries will most likely exploit to access your networks, systems and data.
  • Cybersecurity Assessment: “What should we be doing about cybersecurity?” is a question that worries countless business leaders. Stay secure with the support of BPM’s cybersecurity penetration test and incident assessment specialists.
  • Integrated Risk Management: In an increasingly digital environment, businesses in heavily regulated industries with little margin for error need the proper risk-compliance posture and resources to respond when bad events occur. Gain peace of mind with a tailored, turnkey integrated digital risk-management program that helps you proactively prepare for the unexpected.
  • IT Compliance Operations: Identify threats, minimize liabilities and prepare for compliance audits. Our professionals provide guidance, support and frank feedback on your readiness throughout the audit process, including audit preparation, attestations, recommendations, risk assessments, gap analyses, supporting documentation and more.
  • Ransomware Readiness Assessment: You’re going to get compromised. Are you prepared? A well-established and rehearsed playbook can significantly reduce a ransomware attack’s cost, severity and duration; accelerate recovery activities; and create a more resilient organization. Let us help you get there.
  • Security Operations Center (SOC): Nothing gets close to the benefits of continuous security monitoring. Your SOC is your first line of defense. BPM possesses the talent, tools and resources your business needs to operate a state-of-the-art SOC. Further, with our fully managed SOC-as-a-Service, you can offload this significant burden from your in-house IT team, realizing savings of 50 percent or more over staffing your own.
  • Artificial Intelligence: While the potential of AI is undeniable, BPM recognizes the critical need for AI security. We offer comprehensive services to help mitigate risks associated with AI adoption. By prioritizing AI security, businesses can leverage this powerful technology with confidence.