CPA Practice Advisor Recognizes Will Tanem for “40 Under 40 in the Accounting Profession” Award (2022)

October 28, 2022

CPA Practice Advisor has announced Will Tanem, Assurance and Advisory Partner at BPM, as a recipient of its “40 Under 40 in the Accounting Profession” award. The award spotlights emerging leaders who are “visibly and incrementally changing the accounting profession through their exemplary leadership, their innovative thinking, their collaborative efforts to provide unity to the profession across the generations, and their community outreach which extends the visibility of the profession outside the workplace.” 

Since joining BPM nearly nine years ago, Will has tallied numerous achievements, including being admitted to the partnership after eight years and acting as the lead accounting advisor in taking four companies public via IPO or SPAC over the last 18 months with several others in progress.  

Founding the firm’s Technical Accounting practice and growing it to what it is today is one of his proudest career achievements. He has built it from the ground up since his time as the only BPM employee in the practice upon its launch in 2019. Through his leadership and with support from BPM, he has developed the practice into a team of 21 technical accounting individuals and 500% revenue growth in only three years’ time.

At BPM, we are honored to work with the brightest and most talented professionals in the industry. Their leadership and dedication to servicing our clients truly set us apart – Because People Matter. 

Read more about Tanem and the difference he’s making to the profession in CPA Practice Advisor’s 2022 “40 Under 40” Honoree feature.

Profile picture of Will Tanem

Will Tanem

Partner, Technical Accounting & IPO Readiness
Technical Accounting Practice Leader

Will leads BPM’s Technical Accounting Group, advising public and private companies in Silicon Valley and the larger Bay Area. He …